Income Generation Loan

Lending Model

Joint Liability Group


Income Generation Loan

Loan Amount

₹10,000 - ₹1,00,000


Age – 21 years to 58 years
Annual Household Income - less than ₹3,00,000
FOIR - less than 50%

Rate of Interest

Current Rate of Interest - 26.50% p.a.
Minimum – 26.50% p.a.
Maximum – 26.50% p.a.
Average Rate of Interest in the last Quarter - 26.50% p.a.*

Other charges

Processing Fee – 1.50% + Applicable Tax

Repayment Frequency



12 months to 24 months

Mid Term Loan

Lending Model

Joint Liability Group


Income Generation Loan

Loan Amount

₹10,000 - ₹40,000


Age – 21 years to 58 years
Annual Household Income - less than ₹3,00,000
FOIR - less than 50%
MTL will be available to Customers who have completed at least 16 weeks (4 months) of their Income Generating Loan (“IGL”) cycle with 100% Ontime repayment record.

Rate of Interest

Current Rate of Interest - 26.50% p.a.
Minimum – 26.50% p.a.
Maximum – 26.50% p.a.
Average Rate of Interest in the last Quarter - 26.50% p.a.*

Other charges

Processing Fee – 1.50% + Applicable Tax

Repayment Frequency



12 months to 24 months

Contact Us

Reach us

Registered and Corporate Office Address:
Unit No. 509, 5th Floor, Gowra Fountainhead, Sy. No. 83(P) & 84(P), Patrika Nagar, Madhapur, Hitech City, Hyderabad-500081, Telangana.


Phone: +91 40 4547 4619

Toll Free No: 1800 2033858

Grievance Redressal

Srifin Credit Private limited has proper Grievance Redressal system in place having multilevel escalation process for timely redressal for any complaint/grievance .

For more information about the grievance redressal process, please Click Here